Wely, Won’t He?

_DSC9915.jpgLoek van Wely doubled up to a still very precarious 80,000 or so, his pocket queens beating whatever Tonny van Eck was holding (apologies, I got to the table too late) on a 7-A-7-4-J board.

But just moments later, van Wely re-shoved over the top of Nikolay Korol’s push, and poor old van Wely was back down to just 22,000.

Van Wely: :::Ks :::Qs
Korol: :::Ah :::Ad

Board: :::Js :::Kd :::2d :::6s :::Tc

Korol is now out of the danger zone on 140,000. Van Wely – firmly in that danger zone.