1 Hour Bubble….

The tournament dynamic is getting very interesting now, there’s one or two big stacks on each table and virtually everyone else is incredibly short now. Vladimir Geshkenbein and Kent Lundmark,among others, have been abusing the bubble something silly and probably don’t want it to end just yet.

Ancobard Gaetan has managed to treble up, he pushed all in UTG for 14,000 and got called by the blinds. Gaetan was shaking his head and getting ready to leave after the dealer put out a board of :::8s:::Ad:::4s:::2d:::Js but the blinds turned over :::Kc:::5c and :::Qd:::9s and Gaetan’s :::Ks:::9h was good enough for him to win it all, much to his surprise.

Rony Halimi has doubled up again with :::Ah:::9h against Dan Murariu’s :::Kh:::3s on a :::Ac:::6h:::4c:::9c:::Ks board.