3 in 1 for Murariu

_DSC9950.jpgThe bubble finally behind us, the short stacks wasted no time in getting it in. Up on the feature table, Ruggiero Scommegna shoved in early position; to his immediate left Magnus Lundin was already all in on the ante. On the button, David Janssen reshoved – and in the big blind Dan Murariu called the lot. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what you get after a two hour bubble. Four-way all in!

Scommegna: :::Ad :::3h
Lundin: :::9c :::5s
Janssen: actually really coolered with :::Qd :::Qs, because…
…Murariu: :::Ac :::Ah

Board: :::3d :::8c :::Td :::6h :::2s

Murariu scooped the lot, and the other three are busto. Mr. Murariu is back up to 215,000 now. Indestructible!