Assorted Action

Plenty of action here – just no bust-outs yet.

Mehdi Sliti raised to 20,000 from the button, and in the big blind Tonny van Eck reraised to cover him. Sliti tanked up for a bit, but eventually made what looked like a reluctant fold – possibly because tablemate Arkadiusz Olszowy told him that Gaëtan Ancobard at the next table over was down to two big blinds.

“You show?” he asked as he folded. Van Eck at first went to muck, but then thought better of it and flashed 3-6 offsuit with a cheeky grin.

Meanwhile Fried Meulders was taking a decent chunk out of Kent Lundmark’s stack, calling 34,500 on the turn of a :::Qc :::9h :::Kd :::Tc board before both players checked the :::Kh river. Lundmark revealed a mere :::Th :::5c, while Meulders’ :::Ks :::Jh was easily good enough to win the pot. Meulders is at 250,000 after that, Lundmark at 640,000.