Bracelet Winner Papazian in Action

Alexandru Papazian, the first Romanian to win a bracelet for his home country at the World Series of Poker, has been spotted in the field. However, he looked somewhat different as the signature beard he had been sporting the last few years was gone and a second glance was needed to verify it was indeed Papazian.

Carmen Zainescu and Silviu Baltateanu have started well and the current chip leader appears to be Gabriel Gavrila.

Gabriel Gavrila 80,000 80,000
Carmen Zainescu 57,000 25,000
Mihnea Potcoava 55,000 55,000
Silviu Baltateanu 48,000 18,000
Charlotte van Brabander 48,000 12,000
Alan Widmann 38,000 8,000
Alexandru Papazian 38,000 38,000
Sven Edelenbosch 36,000 6,000
Gerret van Lancker 33,000 3,000
Monica Vaka 20,000 -11,000