Bubble Drama Just Won’t End….

This is the longest bubble I can remember since I started doing Unibet Opens nearly four years ago, it’s getting so ridiculous that it’s actually now very funny.

Latest double ups:

First Pawel Zakrzewski managed to spike :::Jh:::Jd against Piotr Kula’s :::Qd:::Qs on a :::Kc:::3c:::Ad:::Js:::4s board. Loud groans.

Next Kent Lundmark raised to 20,000 preflop and Quentin Lecomte called, Sakari Mäkynen called all in from the small blind for 8,000. Lundmark fired out a bet on the :::8d:::6d:::3s flop, Lecomte folded, the Swede showed :::Ks:::Jc but Mäkynen held :::Ah:::6h and won after an :::Ac turn and :2s river.

Finally Rob Perelman doubled up twice in back to back hands, first with :::Ks:::Jc against Ruggerio Scommegna’s :::Ac:::8h on a :::Qc:::Js:::Qd:::3s:::Jd board then he had T-T against K-T for another.
