Contains Mild Perel

Rob Perelman, who seems to have flown all the way from his native USA to play this, has had a rather good start to the day.

I caught the hand from the turn of the :::3h :::Tc :::Jd :::5c board, when Faredj Aitoufella bet out 600 from the big blind position. Perelman called from under the gun, the gent on the button called as well, and they went to the river.

The river was the :::Kd  and Aitoufella checked. Perelman promptly bet 2,500, which elicited a swift fold from the button. Aitoufella took rather longer about it, tanking up for a couple minutes and occasionally apologising to the rest of the table for taking so long – but eventually he folded too, and Perelman is up to a comfortable 25,000 or so.