Cordon Bleu or McDonalds?

Players are due to take a dinner break in around 20 minutes’ time, and with 51 players remaining right now – and only 45 places paying out – it looks like it’s going to be an uncomfortable repast for the shorter stacks. This seems like an opportune time to remind you what everyone will be getting.

1    € 140,539
2    € 98,051
3    € 70,596
4    € 54,908
5    € 39,220
6    € 29,873
7    € 21,048
8    € 16,342
9    € 13,073
10    € 10,720
11-18    € 5,883
19-27    € 4,743
28-36    € 4,285
37-45    € 3,443
46-51    €0