De Smets Smitten
Rob Perelman opened to 1,000 under the gun and a couple seats down Michal Kadziela reraised to 2,500. A couple more seats down, and Laurens De Smet shoved for just a shade over 13,000. Perelman tanked up for a long time, but eventually released his hand. Kadziela snap-called, and they were on their backs.
De Smet: :::Th :::Ts
Kadziela: :::Ah :::As
Board: :::9h :::3s :::7c :::4c :::Kc
Perelman said he’d folded pocket queens. He briefly changed his mind and said he’d had Q-T, but after that he went back to claiming queens, so I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. But I digress. It wouldn’t have changed much, in the sense that De Smet was busto either way. Kadziela is up to around 45,000 now. Could have been more if Perelman had called…