Doof Doof Doof

Another one bites the dust!

This time Lauri Meidla opened to 19,000 in mid position before facing a reraise to 44,000 from Alari Kunnapuu on the button and a shove for 169,000 total from Romualdas Ramanauskas in the big blind. Meidla tanked up for a long time before finally making the call; Kunnapuu folded :::Ad :::Qs face up and soon regretted it, but it was too late and Meidla scooped the pot while Ramanauskas headed for the rail.

Ramanauskas: :::7d :::7c
Meidla: :::Td :::Tc

Board: :::5h :::Kh :::3d :::Qc :::6d

Meidla is at around 430,000. Players are on a short break, after which full chip counts will magically appear over on the chip counts page.