Eg on His Face

Egi AdriaansI had to ask the other players at the table to make sure I’d got it right. I had.

The flop read :::4h :::6s :::7s and Egi Adriaans had bet out, and then three-bet shoved to a raise from Patrick Dejean. Dejean called, and they turned the cards over.

Dejean: a very reasonbale pair of :::Jd :::Jc
Adriaans: :::Kh :::Ts for absolutely nothing

Turn and river respectively: :::7d and :::6c

Adriaans busted out and immediately headed for the door, cursing violently in Dutch. I wish my Dutch were better. It turned out that he’d actually misread his hand – he had his sunglasses on, and had thought he had two spades for the flush draw. He was most surprised to discover that he had nothing of the sort. Let that be a lesson to you, indoor sunglass wearers! An ignominious end to the tournament for Mr. Adriaans.

Dejean couldn’t believe his luck, though. He’s up to perhaps 200,000.