Halimi Survives…

_DSC0101.jpgIt’s getting a bit tense upstairs, we had an all in and a call between Rony Halimi and Ruggerio Scommegna blind on blind, but they had to wait because another pot was being played elsewhere.

Tonny van Eck had raised to 19,500 preflop before Jaroslaw Barglik bumped it up to 45,000 from the small blind. Van Eck then tried to make it 88,000 but was forced to make it 90,000 (in France, like Ireland, it’s double the bet size, not double the raise size). Barglik called and then donk-led for 110,000 on the :::Ah:::Qd:::8s flop, van Eck folded.

All action was back on the all in on the feature table between Halimi who turned over :::Ad:::Jh and Scommegna who held :::Ah:::5s. The :::Qc:::Jd:::9c flop left Scommegna drawing supremely thin, the :::Tc on the turn provided some split outs and there were loud groans when the :::Kc hit the river. (Though there were a few ironic cheers as well!)

We’re still on the bubble.