Henri Piironen raised to 225,000 and Daniel Jacobsen defended. Both players found something to work with on the :::Qc:::8c:::7d flop.
Jacobsen checked, Piironen bet 225,000, Jacobsen check-raised to 700,000, Piironed three-bet shoved 3,500,000 and Jacobson instantly called it off.
Henri Piironen: :::Jc:::3c
Daniel Jacobsen: :::Qd:::Th
In what was by far the biggest pot of the tournament, Piironen needed to hit one of the nine clubs left in the deck, but neither the :::4h on the turn nor :::Kd on the river was what he needed.
Henri Piironen’s bid at the Unibet Open title ended in second place and the Finn received €37,160 for his accomplishment.