Hoikkala: “I Couldn’t Help Myself”

Oh dear. I got to Table 36 to find Markus Hoikkala check-raising on the turn of an :::Ah :::9h :::Th :::7h board. I got briefly distracted, but I am fairly sure that Frederic Van Der Mersch just called and Hoikkala then put him in on the river. Either way, the river was the :::8c, and all the chips were in the middle.

Van Der Mersch turned over :::6h :::8h for a straight flush, naturally.

Hoikkala was made to show 3-5 offsuit for one of the worst kinds of nothing.

“I dunno,” said Hoikkala, presumably in answer to the voice inside his head that was asking why he had done that. “I’m a f***ing idiot. I should have just given up.” We could have told him that earlier. “I couldn’t help myself.”

They are at around 36,000 apiece after that, but moving in very different directions.