It Never Rains But it Pours…

Non-stop action continues.

Giorgio La Iacona more than doubled up as he held :::Qc:::Qd against Franck Tzafa’s :::6c:::6h and Rony Halimi’s :::8s:::8d – the board came :::5c:::2d:::Ac:::4c:::Jh. La Iacona doubled through Tzafa and eliminated Halimi at the same time.

Pawel Zakrzewski has also been knocked out.

Jeremy Routier has doubled up to about 230,000 through Quentin Lecomte with :::Ac:::Ks against :::Qc:::Qs.

Dan Murariu is up to about 450,000 after he rivered with :::Ac:::Tc against Patrick Dejean’s :::As:::Qc on a :::4h:::2s:::2c:::Jc:::Ts board.

Rob Perelman has doubled up again with :::Kd:::Jh, this time spiking a king against Vladimir Geshkenbein’s :::Ah:::4s.