Jan Eckert Eliminated in 5th Place (€14,600)

Jan Eckert
Jan Eckert shoved 850,000 on the button, Henri Piironen reshoved all in from the small blind and Roberto Morra folded the big blind.
Jan Eckert: :::Ah:::5c
Henri Piironen: :::9s:::9h
After the :::8h:::Jc:::Th flop and :::Qs turn, Eckert would now be needing the kings instead of the aces if he was to survive.
Unfortunately for him, it was the :::Ac that fell on the river and he shook hands as he made his way off the feature table.
Henri Piironen | 3,320,000 | 1,120,000 |
Daniel Jacobsen | 1,860,000 | -25,000 |
Julien Stropoli | 1,660,000 | -250,000 |
Roberto Morra | 1,350,000 | 0 |
Jan Eckert | 0 | -825,000 |