Kakrzewski Makes a Comeback with 1 Big Blind

Pawel Zakrzewski moved in for 11,500, just a shade over a call, and Michal Kadziela re-raised to 34,500, effectively setting both the blinds in as well. Huy Binh Chung (a little under 40,000) folded K-J up in the small blind. Gaëtan Ancobard (15,000) folded his big blind – his stack effectively halved this hand, once you factor in the ante as well. There you go.

On your backs, gentlemen.

Zakrzewski: :::Kc :::6s
Kadziela: :::Jd :::3c

Board: :::2c :::7h :::2s :::2h :::Kh

If Chung had called, this bubble would been burst. Let’s think about that, shall we?

OK, not going to think about that any more. Zakrzewski basically quadrupled up, what with blinds, antes etc, and the bubble drags on.