Kunnapuu Out in 19th

Alari Kunnapuu opened to 20,000 under the gun and it folded all the way around to Lauri Meidla on the button who made it 50,000 to go. Back to Kunnapuu, who went all in, and then back again on Meidla, who thought about it for a while before announcing call.

Kunnapuu: :::Ac :::Jh
Meidla: :::Th :::Ts

Meidla stood up and turned away from the table as the board was dealt.

Board: :::3d :::6h :::7c :::5c :::7s

Someone said something in a language I didn’t understand – presumably informing Meidla that he’d won the hand. Either way, Meidla now returned to his seat and his new 670k stack while Kunnapuu headed to the cash desk to collect his 19th place money.

Two more eliminations, and we’ll be down to two tables.

By the by, we’ll be playing one more level tonight and then quitting for the night whether we’ve reached a final table or not.