Matias Doubles Through Olinger

António Matias

António Matias

Three players saw a :::4d :::Kd :::Js flop. Egi “Eeyore” Adriaans checked from the small blind and the action moved over to Victor Olinger who bet 650. A few seats to Olinger’s left, Antonio Matias raised to 1,300. Adriaans folded but Olinger made the call and they went heads up to the turn.

The turn in question was the :::3c and Olinger chose to check, prompting Matias to snap-shove for his last 6,175.

“Are you on a draw?” sighed Olinger? No reaction from Matias. “I have a big hand here,” he continued, but again, Matias wasn’t giving anything away. Eventually Olinger called and revealed what was indeed a big hand – :::Ac :::Kc for top pair, top kicker. But Matias flipped over :::Ks :::Jc for top two pair, and, following the :::Kh river that made him a rather pretty full house, Matias doubled up to around 17,000. Olinger was left shaking his head and looking down at a roughly 12,500 stack.