Moolhuizen Wins Big Pot to Increase Lead

Paul Vergeer limped in with the :::Ac:::8c and called a raise to 380,000 by Mateusz Moolhuizen, who held :::Jc:::2c. On the flop :::4d:::2s:::4h, Moolhuizen continued for 400,000 and was called before firing a second barrel worth 650,000 on the :::Qc turn. Then, the :::Jd fell on the river and Moolhuizen bet 1 million.

Vergeer tank-called with his ace-high and dropped more than half of his stack with a hero call at the wrong time.

Mateusz Moolhuizen 7,715,000 1,845,000
Paul Vergeer 1,915,000 -1,845,000