Mortensen Pays Off Chutrov

Daniel Chutrov

Talented Danish pro Morten Mortensen checked from his seat in the cutoff with the flop reading :::Td:::2h:::9s putting the action on the tournament chip leader Daniel Chutrov. A bet of 6,000 left the hands of Chutrov and Mortensen called the bet.

The turn was the :::Js, making the board extremely draw heavy. Mortensen checked again and then called when Chutrov bet 13,500. The river was the :::8c and Mortensen checked for a third time. Chutrov reached for chips and bet 16,000 on the river and after around 30-45 seconds, Motensen called obviously not believing Chutrov had a straight.

Mortensen was correct, Chutrov didn’t have a straight but he did hold :::2s:::2d for a set of deuces, enough to win the pot.

Daniel Chutrov 532,000 -7,500
Morten Mortensen 25,000 -14,800