Paluszkiewicz Catches a Lucky River
Kamil Paluszkiewicz fired a bet of 6,000 on the :::3c:::7s:::5d flop and Chen Wenbin raised to 16,000 from the button. Paluszkiewicz responded with an all-in bet of 52,900 and Wenbin instantly called.
Paluszkiewicz showed :::8d:::8h and was drawing very thin against the :::7x:::5x that had flopped two pair. Those two pair improved to a full house on the :::5s turn, but the :::8s river was one of Paluszkiewicz’s two outs and he raked in the pot with a beaming smile on his face.
Chen Wenbin | 275,000 | -50,000 |
kamil Paluszkiewicz | 105,000 | 80,000 |