Jeremy Routier opened to 500 under the gun, and in the hijack Eddy Salmon (too easy) reraised to 1,100. It folded back around to Routier, who four-bet to around 3,500. Salmon called and they saw a flop.
Flop: :::8c :::7h :::2d
Routier bet out 2,550, and Salmon made it 6,000 to go. Routier tanked up for long enough for someone to call the clock – but no sooner had the floor man arrived than he had announced all in for 12,550 total. Salmon had to call, and the cards were revealed.
Routier: :::Ks :::Kh
Salmon: in a lot of trouble with :::As :::Kd
Turn: :::5h
River: :::8d
Routier doubled to around 35,000 and looked more relieved than happy. Salmon had a very black expression on his face indeed as he was crippled to just 600 or so. He went all in the very next hand, and I suspect he will shortly be heading to the rail.