Set of Ace?

We thought that we might see some Russian/Swiss fireworks, as Vladimir Geshkenbein min-raised to 300 under the gun right at the end of the last level. Maciej Swicarz called behind, before Petar Kochev made it 1,500 to go. Both players called, and they went three-way to the flop.

Flop: :::6d :::As :::5h

It checked around to Kochev, who bet another 1,500. Disappointingly, though, Geshkenbein and Swicarz both passed and Kochev took the pot.

“Ace-ace?” asked Geshkenbein good-naturedly (he’s still on 16k and I think he’s found a waitress willing to bring him vodka).

“Si,” said Kochev, unconvincingly. “Set of ace.” He’s at 33,000.