It’s been a very short trip for Leeds’ own Jamie Sykes. In his own words, he had apparently three-bet with :::As:::Ks getting two callers and fired a bet on a J-7-2 (two diamond flop) with just a solitary caller. Sykes had intended to give up on the jack on the turn but his opponent checked back to see an offsuit 8 on the river. His foe now bet just 2,000 into a pot of 6,000 after Sykes checked a second time and the Englishman opted to check-raise all in for 11,000.
But unluckily for Sykes, he’d chosen his moment wrongly as he was beaten into the pot by his assassin’s T-9 suited which had rivered a straight. “It’s the only hand I’m worried about, that and eights full…” He’s off for sight-seeing now to make the most of the Parisian adventure.