Soukup Continues to Rise

A raise by Marius Gicovanu with the :::Qc:::Js was called by Martin Soukup with :::Jh{10c} and the :::As{10s}:::5s flop gave the Czech the lead. He checked and called a bet of 150,000 by Gicovanu. The :::2h turn was checked through and the :::7c river was checked once more, awarding the pot to Soukup.

Gicovanu mucked his cards visibly frustrated.

In the next limped pot, Gicovanu flopped best with :::Qc{10s} versus :::6h:::3h on the :::Kc{10c}:::3d flop and Gicovanu check-called a bet worth 150,000. Again the :::8h turn was checked through and Gicovanu bet the :::9d river for 325,000, Soukup folded.

Martin Soukup 7,800,000 100,000
Marius Gicovanu 3,200,000 -100,000