Third Time’s the Chama?

Tarek Bouchama is suffering the swings, he pushed for 210,000 over the top of Kent Lundmark’s raise to 40,000 and the Swede quickly called.

Bouchama: :::9s:::4s
Lundmark: :::7d:::7c

Bouchama was in trouble, but somehow he managed to get there on a :::Qd:::8s:::2s:::Th:::Ts board to double up.

Soon after Bouchama was paying off bets of 45,000 and 92,000 on the turn and river of an :::Ac:::Th:::9s:::3c:::5d board against Quentin Lecomte – the latter showing :::Ah:::3h for two pair, Bouchama clearly cross his :::As:::Jd had been outdrawn. Perhaps forgetting how lucky he had been just two minutes previously,