Three More Hit the Floor

Michal Kadziela eliminated Sébastien Verny with :::Td:::Th against :::Ah:::4h on a :::Kd:::Qh:::Tc:::8s:::2h board.

Vladimir Geshkenbein was next to go, having lost that pot to Rob Perelman, he was all in himself with :::Kh:::Qs against Dan Murariu’s :::Ad:::Th but ended up second-best once more by the river of the :::8c:::Ks:::3h:::As:::Jc board.

Markus Nielsen got very lucky to bust Vilmantas Vileniskis, he held :::6h:::6d against :::Qc:::Qs but the board came :::Tc:::5d:::6c:::4d:::Ad. All Nielsen could do was shake his opponent’s hand, shrugged and say, “Sorry sir, that was painful.”