Throw the Arjan Down the Welle

Tonny van Eck is looking pretty pleased with himself – he’s just doubled up to well over 300,000.

The chips went in on the turn of an :::Ah :::4c :::8s :::8d board; it looked as though his opponent Arjan Welleweerd had bet out and then set van Eck in when he raised. But van Eck made the call and they were on their backs, Welleweerd looking extremely unhappy about it.

Van Eck: :::As :::Tc for top two pair
Welleweerd: :::8s :::8d for, well, a pair of eights

River: :::Ks, changing absolutely nothing

It took a while to count up the stacks, but eventually it was established that Welleweerd had change – 15,000, or two and a half big blinds. Eek. Or “Eck”, as it is probably pronounced in Dutch.


Arjan Welleweerd has now busted out, to the very same Tonny van Eck. Van Eck is at roughly tree fiddy.
