Tocque Sick

Apparently there was a raise to 500 preflop but no-one could remember who had made it. Nevertheless, when I got there on the :::5c :::6h :::4s flop, Eleanore Tocque had bet out and got two callers in the hijack and cutoff, before the gentleman in the small blind (sorry, still no player list from the casino – name coming soon) check-raised to 5,000. Tocque tanked up for a bit, before moving all in. The two callers folded, but Small Blind Gentleman made the call and they were on their backs.

Tocque: :::9s :::9c for an overpair
Small Blind Gentleman: :::5d :::5h for a set

Turn: :::3s – no change there

River: :::9h!

Tocque celebrated long and loud. “YES!! YESSS!!!” She punched the air and looked around the room to make sure everyone had seen her good fortune. She doubled up to around 35,000. Some wag (I see you, Rob Perelman!) switched the six and the nine on the board in an effort to trip me up, if you’ll pardon the pun, but it was indeed an unfortunate suckout on the river that reduced Small Blind Gentleman to just 7,000 or so. Ms. Tocque however is now one of the big stacks.