Two Down, Two To Go

Loek van Wely was the first casualty of this level, he’d only come back with around 20,000 – with 8,000 of that in the big blind in one of the first hands he was unable to mount a comeback.

Soon after, Kent Lundmark got into a raising war, trying to bully on the bubble – he four-bet all in with :::Qd:::Tc against Mario Vojvoda, the latter snap-calling him with :::Kd:::Kh for what was a pot worth over 300,000.

The :::7d:::2d:::4s flop promised little but the :::Qh on the turn followed by the :::Qs on the river (as well as audible groans) sent the Hungarian on the way as a sheepish-looking Lundmark stacked his newly won chips. He’s now on about 530,000.