Tzafa Doubles Through Janssen

_DSC0006.jpgYup, another double up – this time for Franck Tzafa, who made a stand holding :::9c :::Tc for the straight on the turn of a :::6s :::8c :::Jd :::Qc board. David Janssen had made the call with :::Ad :::Qh but obviously soon regretted it as he was drawing dead. For the sake of completeness, the river was the :::Qd and Tzafa doubled to 330,00. Shoutbox favourite David Janssen is down to 100,000 or 10 big blinds – which doesn’t sound like a lot, until you consider that this bubble has dragged on for so long that the average stack in 19 big blinds and by our reckoning almost half the field have 10 big blinds or less.