Vergeer Very Passive

Paul Vergeer limped with the :::Jd:::8d and Mateusz Moolhuizen checked his option with :::Qh:::3s. On the flop :::7h:::5c:::2d, Moolhuizen check-folded to a bet and then jammed the next hand with :::2c:::2h to get the chips back.

One hand later, Vergeer limped in with :::9h:::9s and 15 big blinds remaining according to the screens. Moolhuizen checked with :::7h:::3h and check-folded the flop :::8h:::Js:::2c to a bet of 160,000 by Vergeer.

Mateusz Moolhuizen 7,165,000 -550,000
Paul Vergeer 2,465,000 550,000