
Rune Vika

Rune Vika

Rune Vika seemed to have opened to 15,000 under the gun when I arrived, and Michiel Brummelhuis had reraised to 30,000. Jani Tuomaala then went all in for 74,000 and Vika called all in; Brummelhuis announced, “I cannot fold any more,” and also called, and we were at a three-way showdown!

Vika: :::Ks :::Kh
Tuomaala: :::Js :::Jd
Brummelhuis: :::Th :::Tc

Board: :::2s :::Qh :::2h :::Qd :::Ad

Vika tripled up to over 150,000 and appeared pleased; Brummelhuis took a small hit to 270,000 and appeared impassive. Tuomaala got the side pot, but he has still taken a hit on the hand – he’s down to under 50,000 now, firmly inside the danger zone.