Weenink Gets Hung out to Dry
Jochum Weenink fired out a bet of 1,200 on a flop of :::Kd:::Ts:::7s but Hung Sengsavang check-raised to 2,500. Weenink opted to just flat-call and when the :::5s came on the turn Sengsavang quickly and casually threw out a single yellow 5,000 chip. Weenink had about 12,000 remaining and thought for about a minute before moving all in and Sengsavang beat him into the pot.
Weenink: :::Kc:::Kh
Sengsavang: :::Ks:::Tc
It was a cooler, but Sengsavang still had flush draw outs and when the :::Qs came on the river, he celebrated with a fist pump. Weeenink looked a little stunned but quietly made his exit from the table.