Wilfried Verissimo Eliminated in 16th Place (€5,883)

“All in,” said Fredrik Nielsen on the button.

“All in,” echoed Quentin Lecomte in the small blind.

“All in,” agreed Wilfried Verissimo in the big blind. Extraordinary – a three-way all-in showdown at this stage in the tournament.

Nielsen: :::9c :::9s
Lecomte: :::Js :::Jh
Verissimo: :::Ah :::Th

Board: :::5s :::2s :::4h :::6c :::7c

It took a while to work out the stacks – there wasn’t much between them – but it was eventually established that Lecomte had Verissimo covered, and he headed to the rail in 16th place. Nielsen had change, though – 40,000, or two big blinds. Lecomte virtually tripled up, and looked extremely pleased with himself.